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How to Mow Your Lawn Correctly
Lawn care is much more than just putting your seed on the spring and water it throughout the whole summer. Proper lawn care in the fall drives to a lustier lawn on the spring. The grass roots, which will plump your lawn in the next year develops in autumn and it needs to be attended by the time you plant your lawn.
Knowing the proper way to mow your lawn could help it look aesthetically beautiful. Following are some tips you can use in order to maintain a good and healthy looking lawn.
Tips in Lawn Mowing
Bear in mind that mowing is the same with pruning. Right mowing increases the volume of your lawn that in turn lessens weeds. Every type of grass has a suggested mowing height and you must understand which type of grass is on your lawn and mow it at the right height.


Each mowing don't cut no more than 1/3 Of the grass height each mow. Lawns should be mowed every 7 ½ or no more than 2 weeks during the growing season. Every time you mow your grass, perhaps you don’t want to get rid of more than one-third of the blade at a time. Cutting more the blade will put a lot of stress on your plant and will lead to the root system to withdraw in the soil. Grass root depth and length is related directly to the top height of your plant. Once you remove more than one-thirds of the grass lead, the plant can’t generate enough food in order to support the root system, and it will begin to shrink. In turn, it will make your lawn less healthy and will cause disease and pest problems. Thus, it is still better to maintain the grass at a constant height, never allowing it get too short or too tall.
Do not forget to follow this simple tips:
✓ Avoid mowing during the heat of the day to prevent any heat stress on your grass and to yourself as well.
✓ You must mow every time the grass is dry as blades are less likely to clump when out and will be upright.
✓ Why not consider utilizing a mulching attachments and mulching mower.
✓ Once you bag your clippings, why not compost them instead?
✓ Mow grasses that are higher on shaded places under trees. Most grass in these areas are competing with tree roots for nutrients and water.
✓ Maintain your mower blades balanced and sharp. In case you didn’t know yet, ragged cuts created by dull blades has the ability to increase the possibility of pets and disease.
Lawn Mower Tricks and Tips
It is important that you follow the operation, safety instructions, and maintenance of manufacturer of the mower, like:
✓ Keep away, pets, especially children away from your mowing area.
✓ Learn how to use and operate the mower before taking it to the lawn.
✓ Clear all debris from the area you will be mowing.
✓ As much as possible, do not change or remove discharge chutes that are important to the mower.
✓ You must wear proper clothing and footwear every time you perform mowing.
Mowing your lawn is quite challenging, however it must be done appropriately so that you can get the most out from the lawn throughout the summer and spring months.

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