Lawn Care Treatment
Perfect Leaf Management - Lawn Care Services at Their Finest
Your lawn needs only the best care and at Perfect Leaf Management, you can be guaranteed that you will be getting the highest quality of services that you deserve at a price that fits your budget!
Lawns are one of the areas of your home that you must never take for granted. As this is basically the extension of your indoor living space, it is important to make sure that this outdoor haven is properly taken care of.
Regular care of your lawns will ensure that it will stay healthy and beautiful, free from any destructive pests and will grow lushly and vigorously. Having your lawn carpeted with green and healthy turf is one of the best ways of showing off your home at its finest, which can then increase not just the curb appeal of your properly but also its overall value.
Perks of Lawn Care
When properly cared for, your home’s lawn can even have a positive effect both to your health and the planet that we are living in. There are several benefits that you can expect to enjoy when you keep your lawn in its perfect condition with the help of professionals like Perfect Leaf Management:
Temperature controlEight lawns of the average size can already offer a similar cooling effect as that of 70 tons of AC units. Healthy lawns help in cutting down on your cooling costs, specifically during warmer months.
Oxygen Production
A person can get all of his daily oxygen requirement from only 625 square feet of healthy turf, which means that average-sized healthy lawns with a square feet of 7500 can already provide adequate amount of oxygen for 12 persons.
Allergy Control
Properly maintained grass can filter pollen and dust, which can cause different health issues for some individuals.
Pollutant Control
A healthy lawn can absorb different pollutants like sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide before converting them to oxygen.
Our Lawn Care Services
Perfect Leaf Management offers different services for lawn care for specific times of the year:
Lawn Starter Application
o Balanced application of fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus for preparing your lawn for the coming spring season.
o Application of pre-emergence herbicide for controlling broadleaf and grassy weeds.
o Use of broadleaf herbicides as required for controlling winter weeds and dollar weed.
Spring Lawn Application
o Application of pre-emergence herbicide for controlling broadleaf and grassy weeds.
o Application of broadleaf herbicide if necessary for controlling the remaining winter weeds and dollar weed.
o Use of insecticide to help in the reduction of problems with ants, fleas, chinch bugs, ticks, and mole crickets.
o Balanced application of fertilizer rich in nitrogen that can help in greening up your lawn from winter.
Late Spring Lawn Application
o Use of insecticide for reducing issues with ticks, fleas, chinch bugs, ants and mole crickets.
o Application of broadleaf herbicides if necessary for controlling the germinating summer weeds.
o Use of post-emergence herbicide for controlling bahiagrass as well as other weeds, which are hard to control.
o Balanced application of fertilizer combined with micro-nutrients for increasing the health and color of the lawn
Perfect Leaf Management LLC specialize in tree care service, weed control service, lawn treatment programs, shrub care service, core aeration, flowerbed design and perimeter pest control service. With the help of PLM certified specialist, you are confident that everything you want can be easily acquired. In every season, its PLM responsibility to examine your landscape and treat insect and disease activity while applying nutrients with the use of our customized treatment program. PLM StarterⓇ, PLM Starter Plus Ⓡ, PLM StandardⓇ and PLM Advantage Lawn Care TreatmentⓇ Programs. Assuring your curb appeal thrive healthy and beautiful!
Core aeration
Early Summer Application
o Application of insecticide to help in reduction of problems with chinch bugs, fleas, ants, ticks and mole crickets.
o As needed, the use of broadleaf herbicides to help in controlling the germinating summer weeds, but only if it is not too hot.
o Use of post-emergence herbicide for controlling Bahia grass and other weeds, which are difficult to control.
o Balanced application of fertilizer together with micro-nutrients for improving your lawn’s health and color.
Late Summer Lawn Application
o Use of broadleaf herbicides if needed for controlling the weeds that have germinated during summer but only if it is not that hot.
o Use of post-emergence herbicide for controlling bahiagrass and other weeds which are difficult to control.
o Balanced application of fertilizer with micro-nutrients for boosting the health and color of your lawn.
Fall Lawn Application
o Use of insecticide for reducing issues with ticks, fleas, chinch bugs, mole crickets, ants and the fall armyworms.
o Application of pre-emergence herbicide for controlling broadleaf and grassy weeds.
o Use of broadleaf herbicides if needed for controlling the remaining summer weeds.
o Balanced fertilization for preparing your lawn for cooler temperatures and fall.
Lawn Winterize Application
o Pre-emergence herbicide for controlling the winter weeds.
o Broadleaf herbicides if necessary for controlling the summer weeds that remained and the early winter weeds.
o Winterize fertilizer that is rich in potassium for helping your lawn have improved cold hardiness during winter months.
Perfect Leaf Management delivers quality lawn care services that are guaranteed to fit with your budget. Contact us today to get the best lawn care that you deserve!