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Helpful Tips on How to and When You should water ornamentals, lawn, tree, plants, flowers?  

Ornamentals plants are types of plants used in establishments to enhance its appearance. However, just like regular plants, no matter how beautiful these ornamentals are, they also need proper caring and it starts with learning when you should water them. For some, watering ornamentals is a bit tricky. You should learn the right timing on how and when you should water the ornamentals that you have chosen for your establishment.

You should know the right timing on when you should start watering the ornamentals like flowers or other shrubs to make sure that they will grow healthy and will achieve the look that you want. It is necessary that you keep in mind how frequent you should water them and other needs like fertilizing, cutting, and mulching to keep them at their proper heights or ensure that they won’t grow too much that they will end up ruining the look of your entire home.


Learning When You Should Water Ornamentals
As mentioned, learning when you should start watering ornamentals may end up a bit tricky on your part especially when you are not fully aware on how to take care of plants. Well, with ornamentals, the following are some of the things that you keep in mind to learn when you should water them:


• Water young plants as soon as you transplanted them. Say, you transplanted flowers, shrubs, and trees on your lawn. It is necessary that you will soak the soil for about 6 to 12 inches deep to prevent the plants from running out of water to take in their new environment.

• When you notice the few inches of the soil is starting to dry, it is an indicator that you should start watering them again. However, make sure that every time you water them you will use a sprinkler or bubbler just to avoid soil erosion.


• The best time to water them is at night time. Unlike during the daytime where water can immediately evaporate, watering ornamentals at night will help in soaking the soil and letting the plant absorb all the water throughout the night.

These are just some of the top tips that you should keep in mind as you take on the regular schedule of watering your ornamentals.
The Proper Watering of Ornamentals
You see, just like normal plants, ornamentals shouldn’t get a lot of water that may lead to soil erosion. You don’t want the erosion to leave marks on the sides of a raised flowerbed in a certain area or make the soil soggy when you touch it so, proper watering is necessary.


• When watering and using a hose, it is recommended that you use a bubbler or a sprinkler. This will help even out the distribution of water and reach all sides of the ornaments to keep it fresh and supply enough water to support their growth.

• A drip or trickle system is also highly recommended as it will not only help in supplying water to individuals plants but also help save water.


1. Make sure your lawn gets at least one inch of water per week, either by rainfall or in combination with irrigation.

2. The best time to water are early morning

6-9am well before full sun and never at night

3. Infrequent and deep watering (one inch of water will soak to a depth of 4 to 6 inches) will produce the healthiest lawn.

4. Stop watering if puddles form or runoff occurs. Allow water to soak in before watering is resumed.

Layman term water at least 3 times per week about 20 min. Subtract if it was a rain day.


Additional Watering Tips:

1. Remember, less is better than more for both a healthy lawn and for water conservation.

2. Always water until the root zone is moist.

3. All grasses should be watered well in the fall. Even dormant grass continues to use water and can be injured if it gets too dry


How long should you water at any one time?

Water soaks into different soils at different rates. If your soil is sandy, watering for 30 minutes per week should do the trick. Loam and silt loam require about two hours to soak to acceptable depths. Clay requires about five hours of slow watering to soak in.


If you don't know your soil type, try this: place a few empty cans in the area you're watering. Time how long it takes to fill the cans to a one-inch depth. If puddles form or runoff occurs on the lawn before a one-inch depth is reached in the can, adjust the watering rate.


How do you know when your lawn needs watering?

Since most lawns can tolerate dry conditions over a reasonable period of time, water when a probe or screwdriver is difficult to push into the ground, or when you know that the soil is dry at the root zone.


Just making sure that you have all these things in mind will already help you in learning how to properly water ornamentals and keeping them fresh and healthy.


For more in depth: how to water lawn, how to water tree, how to water plants. When to water plants, when to water lawn, when to water flowers. Contact us immediately!

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