Right of Way
Herbicides-Key to Reliable Electric SystemTrees are considered parts of a place’s natural beauty, however trees and vegetation are factors that can lead to common problems and can cause power outages. It is therefore highly imperative to work constantly in order to balance the aesthetic concerns with the responsibility to deliver a reliable electric system for millions of businesses and households. Managing Vegetation Promotes Better Transmission System Managing vegetation within major electric facilities is an essential maintenance activity for the safety and reliability of utility’s operation. Switchyards, substations and many other facilities need perpetual maintenance to be able to maintain a vegetation-free environment. Vegetation maintenance and treatment must be facilitated annually and in some particular climatic regions, various treatments might be required.
Transmission lines are viewed as super highways of electric grid and these allow large amounts of electricity to be transferred across countries starting from power plants up to the end users. As part of the continuing effort of enhancing service reliability, there are management programs geared towards treating tree stump and woody plants and managing vegetation along miles of transmission lines.
To ensure safety and reliability of utilities, it is essential that existing easement rights on vegetation management be enforced. Removal of trees underneath high-voltage lines instead of pruning serves to reduce chances of vegetation contact. Nevertheless, proper vegetation management does not really involve removal of the entire vegetation at all times. Compatible plants or shrubs that do not really interfere with the electric facilities are commonly not disturbed. Transmission of the line corridors must include varied mixture of grasses, low-growing shrubs and many other types of ground cover mostly preferred by birds and other small animals to promote thriving wildlife habitats. In such case, well-managed right of way offers cover and food needed to survive and at the same time, the reliability that electric customers need.
We Ensure Service Reliability Perfect Leaf Management have comprehensive and reliable vegetation management program especially designed to maintain the transmission right of way. As part of the program, all the necessary safety precautions are used by our contractors and employees. Perfect Leaf Management is dedicated to managing vegetation in manners that will have very minimal impacts on the environment. Creating and then sustaining stable, low-growing and compatible plant community in the Right of Way is the vital component to a successful management program.
Perfect Leaf Management have our own sets of policies including removal of trees and tree stump regardless of their height into the edge of ROW. This can include treating tree stump, removing trees and more. To be able to perform proper vegetation maintenance, we require clear path for heavy equipment and trucks to access transmission structures and ROW. As results,
Perfect Leaf Management concentrate on controlling or removing vegetation that might impede access and might affect our ability of inspecting transmission equipment for efficient maintenance work. Using herbicides are also our common method to control vegetation and ensure proper electrical system or electrical service reliability. Herbicides actually have many different functions and benefits and aside from ensuring service reliability, herbicides also helps in minimizing power interruptions.
Perfect Leaf Management is equipped with skilled technicians and specialized machinery to thoroughly apply vegetation and weed control treatments so that invasive plants, weeds, and species of trees are removed from walkways, parking lots, pipelines, roadways as well as neighborhood paths. This service will aid you lessen future maintenance and spending significant amount of money and promote the natural aesthetic of your place. You don’t need to take your time doing the mowing the right of way, since you can count on them anytime of the day.
Perfect Leaf Management Treating Tree Stump and Woody Plants with Herbicide Treatment
Encroachment of trees and woody plants in fencerows, pastures, rights of way, ditch banks and many other areas are common occurrence. Woody species can be troublesome and require control since these might affect the safety of vehicles, integrity of the fence and interfere with electricity transmission. Good thing is that there is one effective treatment or solution available today that is geared towards treating trees stump and woody plants. This treatment is known as herbicides treatment.
Treat Tree Stump and Control Woody Plants with Herbicides
Treating tree stump and woody plans can be challenging however, a certain control technique known as herbicides treatment can be a reliable control procedure that can give effective and immediate results. Herbicides are proven to be effective and affordable means to control woody plants and treat tree stump.
Learn More about Cut Stump Herbicide Treatment
Cut stump herbicide is an easy way of controlling invasive woody plants. The right herbicide solution is being applied directly into the top of the stump immediately after cutting down the plants. Herbicides kill the stump and prevent newest growth that would usually occur upon cutting alone.
Herbicide treatments are considered to be one of the best options when controlling woody plants and these are useful where target shrub or tree density is low. These control methods can be utilized selectively without damages to nearby or surrounding vegetation. This herbicide treatment is also effective on any size of invasive woody plants including larger woody vines.
Perfect Leaf Management apply Herbicides to Effectively Prevent Power Outages
Overgrown vegetation commonly found near equipment and power lines can result to power outages. To prevent this, there are particular vegetation management programs promoting the responsible utilization of herbicides to provide sufficient and reliable electric service that guarantees few service disruptions.
Herbicide applications encourage and promote low-growing plants, wildflowers and grasses within utility rights-of-way. This therefore results to bio-diverse plant communities and improved wildlife habitat. Use of herbicides are common procedure utilized by various electric utilities and more including landscape management firms, agricultural companies, railroads, transportation state departments, universities, schools and property owners in controlling vegetation.
Treating tree stump and woody plants and reducing power interruptions are our top priorities. We also adapt herbicides treatment believing that these can extend guaranteed results. We consistently stay abreast with the best management in the industries using professional and trained maintenance crews to selectively apply products in order to manage ideal plant growth in an environmentally-sound manner. Perfect Leaf Management herbicide applications are safely conducted in compliance with applicable product labeling as well as state, federal or local regulations.
There are given programs that herbicides application are being used such as foliar application which is typically use from May up to October, Dormant-stem application from October to April and Cut Stump application all throughout the year.
If you are serious about treating tree stump and woody plants, then herbicide is the key.Perfect Leaf Management use the finest and safest products in brushing in the rights of way so you are assured of quality results.